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Branding is everything

I think there are three components to success. I call them the ABCs of Financial Freedom. They are as follows:

A - Acquire Assets

B - Build a Brand

C - Create Cash Flow

If you can achieve two of the three you will be successful. If you work at doing all three you could be unstoppable. Branding is huge to the equation. What is branding? I have said it before and I will say it again that the truth is branding is not a nice logo, a nice graphic, or a cool tagline. That is marketing. Branding is far more.

Branding is an identity. It is establishing an image and a voice that demands attention. People can build businesses and sell products. Fewer people can build brands. Branding can be hugely successful if done right. The brand can outperform businesses if done right. Business models come and go but a good brand can last a lifetime.

What makes a good brand? It is all about identity and knowing who you are. Here are some important questions you should ask yourself.

  • What do I value?

  • What do I care about?

  • What wakes me up at night?

  • Why do I get out of bed each morning?

  • What am I most passionate about?

  • What is my vision for my life?

  • Where do I want to go?

  • What is my mission in life?

  • How do I want to achieve my vision?

  • What are strategies that I can implement to succeed?

  • What do I want people to say about me at my funeral?

Most people go through life just living and never knowing why? I think we are meant for so much more. I want to help people live free. I think true freedom comes from knowing your identity and living out your purpose.

I would encourage you to start discovering who you are and trying to build a brand if you want to achieve Financial Freedom. It is time to discover your brand! It is time to be YOU!

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