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Capitalism is Freedom

Updated: Nov 27, 2021

I was recently asked why I love capitalism. I have always had a fascination with money. I remember with fondness auctioning off my Christmas presents the day after Christmas when I was I was about 6 years old. That started my fascination with money and with capitalism.

There’s different definitions of capitalism especially depending on who you are talking with. My definition has always been that capitalism is freedom! I love capitalism because I love freedom. I can’t separate the two. Capitalism recognizes the importance of property rights and the concept of value. The definition of money is a store value and an exchange of value. What that should tell us is money is linked to value.

Capitalism is freedom because throughout history those in power essentially owned all the property and dictate what value was created or produced. Capitalism offers hope because it offered the greatest reallocation of wealth in human history by allowing every person the opportunity to own property and self dictate value creation and value production. Capitalism redistributed wealth by giving every person opportunity to create or produce value without it being dictated by others. We now live in an age where we people want to redistribute wealth more equally. The greatest redistribution of wealth will always be the purest form of capitalism, which is freedom!

Most people think capitalism has created the wealth gap and that we are are seeing capitalism destroy modern civilization. The truth is we are not living out capitalism but corporatism. Corporatism is about cronyism. That’s for another blog. It’s not too late to pursue Capitalism. We need true freedom in the marketplace. We need to see every person be about control their value production.

Here, at The Missionary Capitalist we educate on the principles of capitalism. We believe these principles still offer hope today. We help people explore how to find financial freedom through living out capitalism. Reach out to us to learn more.

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