There’s a big difference between corporatism and capitalism. Corporatism is cronyism. Big corporations are favored because they are married to the state and become political insiders. Corporations love regulations because it allows them the ability to monopolize their positions. We have all heard that capitalism is greedy, but the truth is corporatism is greedy. Corporations don't want competition.
Capitalism promotes freedom because it recognizes the importance of property rights and value. Property rights offers people the greatest reallocation of wealth. Capitalism was revolutionary by understanding property rights is for all people no matter race, gender, social status, etc. There’s no such thing as greedy capitalism. Capitalism offers hope to all people. It also understands the importance of value and the opportunity to have all people capitalize on creating and producing value. Capitalism offers hope because it’s a free exchange of value.
Capitalism is about freedom. Corporatism is about regulation. One favors giving opportunity to all and the other favors a select powerful few. There's a big difference between the two.
Capitalism isn't greedy. It offers HOPE!