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Explore Financial Freedom

I know that a lot of people talk about financial freedom. I have learned the hard way by paying a few people who I thought knew a thing or two about it and they were all just talking. I walked away with less money and zero value. I also know a lot of people who want financial freedom. They never seem to achieve it though.

I think a lot of people get discouraged and never achieve financial freedom. I’ve heard countless excuses. I have heard things ranging from I’ll never have enough money, I can’t quit my day job, I don’t make enough in my job, it’s too hard, etc. The list could go on of excuses that I have heard.

The truth is that they are just excuses. I’m not here to cast judgement. I’m here instead to help inspire people to realize financial freedom isn’t impossible. It is actually very achievable.

In a recent report from Business Insider, they report that the “median necessary living wage across the entire US is $67,690.” That is just shy of $68,000 a year. That means that the average person needs to live on between $5,500 to $6,000 a month. What if a person had enough money to pay all the designated expenses that had? Would they finally be financially free?

I think financial freedom is less about how much money you have and more about a mindset. I think financial freedom is more about your perspective on money and not how much you need. What does Financial Freedom mean? Ask the question you will get a wide variety of answers, but the most common might be something like more money coming in vs. going out. That is actually cash flow. I don’t think that’s Financial Freedom. It might be a part of it, but it is only a piece of it.

I would define Financial Freedom as “not being enslaved to money”. I tell people all the time that money is a temptress. She loves to tempt us into giving her control of our lives and motivations. The moment we are free from her control the more we realize we are truly free.

I found financial freedom when I realized that money wasn’t the primary factor in my life. I realized that the primary motivator was instead value. The more value that I offered the world the more that I became happy and free. I realized that I could monetize offering value.

Steve Jobs said “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.”

Steve Jobs realized that money isn’t everything. Value is what leads to freedom. I think the more value we offer the more we will see cash flow in our pockets, but that’s not the end all be all for me and many others. We live for value. We live for more.

The truth is that you become financially independent when you have enough money to cover your living expenses. That is what most people strive for yet never accomplish. It is my opinion that true financial freedom comes first through a shift in your mindset. I want to see people discover both Financial Freedom and Financial Independence.

You can find Financial Freedom long before you receive Financial Independence. It’s about learning to shift the mind or as christian Bible says “the renewing of your mind”. The first step is to renew or shift the mind. You must believe you are free. I’m a big believer that cash follows value. Learn to become free.

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