I grew up attending Sunday school. I was never a good student. I loved this one Sunday school class though and I still remember that day vividly. I sat there enthused as the teacher told the story of a master leaving and entrusting his servants with his wealth. Two of them invested it and multiplied it. The third saved it by burying it. The master came back happy with the two and angry with the third. I was fascinated with the story as a kid because it was about money.
I found later in life that so many people do the exact same thing to this day. They take the money they have been entrusted with and they bury it or as we call it today… saving it. People seem to misuse their money a lot. Some spend it with no foresight while others try to save it into wealth with no idea how useless that is.
Money is worthless without a purpose. The problem is cash is trash but cash flow is king. Money should never control you. It should be the opposite. You should control your money. You can’t save your money into wealth these days. Many people are fed outdated facts.
Savings suck! I knew an elderly gentleman who has since passed away. When I knew him he talked about how important his savings account was to his retirement portfolio. He was set for retirement and used to always pay in cash. The man was truly remarkable. The problem is he lived in a different time. You can’t save your way into wealth these days. The interest rates in a savings account are so nominal that it is impossible for most Americans to utilize it correctly for a good return.
Stockpiling is the answer. The game has changed and you can’t save your money into wealth, but you can stockpile your money to help build a return for future growth. Stockpiling your money is a way of utilizing a tax efficient resource to hold money that produces a solid return so that you can use it in the future for a greater investment strategy and purpose. Two different examples of how I stockpile money is by using Whole Life Insurance and Money Market Accounts as a vehicle to store money so that I can utilize it for future returns and if needed invest it for future growth.
Investing is the key to your future. The end goal in everything you do is to invest your money so that you can multiply it for maximized growth. There are countless ways to invest and you need to educate yourself before entering into any of them. You need to stockpile money to further invest. I am constantly looking for ways to stockpile and invest. The point is to have a storehouse where you stockpile and you have strategic investments that bring about cash flow.
Entrusted with more… I still remember that day in Sunday School. The teacher didn’t really know how to take my enthusiasm as I was usually pretty uninterested. I remember the last thing my Sunday school teacher said. She said that the master wants to entrust us with more if we are good stewards. I asked her what a good steward is and she said someone who produces fruit. I didn’t really understand at the time what she meant. I now realize that producing means bringing about a return or action. If we want to build more wealth or have true financial freedom through financial independence that must happen producing a return. The more we produce the more we can be entrusted with is a very powerful truth.