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My Story

It was 2017 and it look like I was enjoying life. I was in the midst of a promising career in the financial sector and I was absolutely miserable. I just lacked excitement and purpose. I was growing my business, but I wasn’t happy.

I had a friend who even suggested to me that maybe I was going through an early midlife crisis. I didn’t think so. I didn’t understand what was going on, but deep within me, I felt like I was meant for more. I know that might sound cliché. It was honestly how I felt though.

It was during this time that I began to question much of what I had been taught and began a journey of self-discovery. I started researching financial history and studying topics such as capitalism, the federal reserve, fractional reserve banking, microeconomics, macroeconomics, etc. The research that I was doing energized me, gave me purpose and made me question everything that he had learned from so-called industry leaders. This process was life-giving.

It was now 2018 and I decided I needed a change. I quit! Yes, I said I quit. It was exhilarating. I walked away from a promising career and I left the financial industry with my wife Holly, we started a consulting firm called Innovative Partners, LLC. The company later launched its own financial education initiative called Explore Financial Freedom with the goal to elevate strategies to see people live free.

March of 2020, while lockdowns were being instituted all across the world, I began to have a silent rage as governments closed businesses and devastated the dreams of countless entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses. It was during this time that I realized what this company was meant to be. March 25, 2020, was the day we began to teach more than ever the principles of capitalism knowing that it changes lives for the better. Nothing has ever been the same since. Explore Financial Freedom is more than a company to me. It’s a mission! I put together a small team of respected leaders with a wide variety of areas within finance to support people's pursuit of exploring financial freedom.

I made a promise to myself not to teach or coach anything I didn’t understand. I actively invest myself and run my business as an entrepreneur knowing that as I live out being an investor and entrepreneur helps me help others discover how to find financial freedom through acquiring assets, building their brand, and creating cash flow.

Four years later we are still growing as a company. I’ve had to re-prioritize some of my other business involvements, but life is good and we are still innovating. I look back on the last several years and I see how life can throw us curveballs, but if we stay resilient and look deep within ourselves we can always find a path to fulfill our purpose and make dreams come true.

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