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My Top 10 Books

I have shared my story before about how I started a journey of self discovery back in 2017, which led me to research financial thought among other things. This season in my life helped me rethink everything I had been taught as a young 30 something working in the finance sector.

I have been asked by a lot of people lately what books or other resources led me to rethink things. There were a lot of different people, articles, websites, videos, and books that led to this journey. Here are the top 10 books that helped inspire me towards a life of financial freedom and educated me on topics that helped shape my thinking today.

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiysocki

  2. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism: Economics, Politics, and Ethics by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

  3. End The Fed by Ron Paul

  4. Grunch of Giants by Buckminster Fuller

  5. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

  6. You Can Profit From A Monetary Crisis by Harry Browne

  7. Crisis Investing by Doug Casey

  8. Critical Path by Buckminster Fuller

  9. The Power of Personal Branding: Creating... by Tim O’Brien

  10. FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets: How Lies Are Making the Poor and Middle Class Poorer Robert Kiysocki

There were a lot of other resources that I used during this journey so these books are only a glimpse into how I came to my personal philosophy on Financial Freedom. There were a lot of other books that I read too, but these 10 books were the books that were most influential.

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