Here at, we talk about financial freedom and financial thought, but I wanted to break from that today to discuss something that was recently asked of me. I was recently asked about my personal thoughts on what this person perceived as an attack against our personal freedom. This person asked me as someone who is passionate about finding financial freedom and helping others find it as well to give my thoughts about the attack on personal freedoms. So, I decided to share a series of thoughts. I am going to share my thoughts in two separate blog posts and I have asked my brother, Justin Fischer to share his thoughts on a third blog post on the response people need to take. Here, are some of my initial thoughts here.
1) We are at a crossroads. We have a choice at hand and it is one that could change the course of our future. We are living in what seems to be unprecedented times. I have been reflecting on the words from former President Ronald Reagan during the 1964 Republican Party National Convention when he was supporting the nominee Barry Goldwater. Reagan stressed during the speech the belief and importance of limiting government, he shared that the Founding Fathers knew that the government cannot control the economy without controlling the people.
You might ask how the government can control people? It must use force to achieve it. Reagan went on the share that we have come to a time for choosing. These words have kept coming back to me since the lockdowns of 2020, “A time for choosing” is exactly where I think we are today. Reagan’s words are prophetic and he went on to tell a story that I would like to share.
“Not too long ago two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said ‘we don’t know how lucky we are’ and the Cuban stopped and said ‘how lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to,’ and in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there’s no place left to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”
I am not really concerned whether you love or hate Ronald Reagan. I am more concerned about the message. The message is about FREEDOM and I hope it inspires us to have HOPE. This speech reminds me that if we fight for freedom we can secure it for future generations. I truly believe that if people come together we can be successful. This might very well be the last stand for America.
2) I have realized that over the last year our government at all levels has used fear of a pandemic as a means of force. What is the force? It is the use of leverage, to make a victim act in a way contrary to their own interests. What has the pandemic taught us? That government can use fear to manipulate us into giving up everyday freedoms for a perceived sense of security.
I have seen a lot over the past year, and I am afraid that things are going to accelerate over the next several years. We are at a crossroads, it is truly “a time for choosing”. The time is now for all of us to decide whether or not we will stand for freedom or surrender ourselves for a perceived sense of security. What shall we decide? Which road shall we take?