You may have heard the term “The Great Reset” over the last couple of years. This term has sparked a lot of controversies. Many people have reacted to the term both positively and negatively. What does it actually mean, though? Is there any truth behind it?
I plan to give you my thoughts in this piece about what I think this means and how it plays out. My goal is to introduce a complex topic and theory and try to simplify it for all to understand. I think a lot of people misunderstand what is actually going on here. I think the next decade will be full of substantial changes and it is important to be prepared because if you are not prepared you could miss out on the positive and be greatly harmed by the negatives. I am a firm believer there is a “Great Reset” happening, but I think it is more about a financial restart.
Let me give you some background before we get into my thoughts. The first thing we need to understand is that there have been many resets throughout history. Some have been monetary resets, some have been societal resets, and some have been political resets. These resets actually happen more than people think.
Some of the resets we have seen to just name a few are the Industrial Revolution, Protestant Reformation, American Revolution, etc. These events changed the course of human history by creating substantial changes. These changes had both positive and negative consequences. We must always be prepared for these kinds of events, but sadly most never are prepared.
The last 100+ years have been full of substantial events. Let’s do a brief recap. We saw in 1913 the U.S. create The Federal Reserve, which became the third. Central Bank in the history of the U.S. We saw World War 1 break out. We saw the Great Depression last almost two decades. We saw a second World War break out. We also saw the U.S. emerge as a world power and become the world’s reserve currency in the 1940s. We then see President Nixon in August of 1971 default on the Bretton Woods Agreement by not honoring the terms to exchange U.S. Dollars for Gold to other nations.
We have seen ever since 1971 a world of Fiat money. Fiat money is simply money backed by nothing. It has zero value. Money has literally become debt. In a Fiat system cash is trash.
This was a hard concept for me to embrace. I use to work in the finance sector and I truly believed the lies that were taught to me. I actually believed that saving money was an admirable thing and that most of the products that were being sold were helpful. The lies were eventually exposed through research and I realized that the Fiat system is a fake system.
The Problem
There is a quote from Paul Van Der Merwe that says “money makes the world go round”. There is so much truth to this statement. Most decisions on the global and national stage have always been a result of money. I have been in local politics and so many of the decisions made at the core are decisions based on money.
The U.S. government has substantial debt. The debt is a result of massive government spending. They keep spending to grow the government’s infrastructure through programs and services. They need debt to grow the government because taxes alone are not enough.
What we have found is that over the last 50 years governments all over the world have had a problem. They are debt-ridden! The debt is absolutely unsustainable. The problem is that they can’t stop going further into debt because they can’t afford to not go deeper into debt. Again, the taxes will never be enough to even sustain what they have built.
The Federal Reserve admits that they want inflation. They have said for years that they had a projected yearly goal of inflation that was not being met. We have since seen inflation go beyond the yearly goal by leaps and bounds. Why are we seeing massive inflation? The truth is that the Federal Reserve has done massive money printing from the start of the pandemic. Inflation is a direct result of an increased money supply. Inflation has been on the rise with money printing out of control.
The Federal Reserve is in a horrible position because one way to solve inflation is to drastically raise interest rates. The problem is that the Federal Reserve can’t do this. Nick Giambruno, Founder of Financial Underground said it best when he said the following:
“Raising interest rates high enough to dent inflation would bankrupt the US government. Hence the need to ‘reset’ the system.
The Great Reset is Here?
The elite desperately needs a “reset”. The fake system they created is crashing. I loved building a house of cards when I was a child and this is by far the best example of what we are experiencing. The financial system is one large house of cards. The entire system is unsustainable! It will eventually fall and fall hard.
I tend to take most people at their word. The term “The Great Reset” has been said by multiple people throughout the world. They have even admitted they need another Bretton Woods Agreement. The system is broken so they need a new system to keep the scam going. What will they do? They will force a reset to the financial system. It is my belief that “The Great Reset is more about a financial global reset vs. anything else. Will this reset cause societal changes? Yes, I think that is likely. The root of the issue will always be about money though.
I believe that this new reset is imminent. The proposed system they are building is going to create havoc and be immensely harmful to most people unless they are prepared. There is a wealth transfer happening and you need to be prepared now. Most people will not be prepared and that is alarming to me.
I actually agree that we need a new system and that a reset is needed. This might surprise some, but the system needs to be decentralized and not centralized. This is the crux of where I part with the proposed “Great Reset”. The powers that be thrive on centralization and that centralization controls who wins and who loses. It is called cronyism. The definition of cronyism is "favoring one's friends or associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications". The political and financial system is built on cronyism.
I believe that a decentralized system would be a much better system. It could keep the elite from controlling the very system itself. I would like to believe that we could see true monetary freedom and personal sovereignty achieved if we had an economic system built around decentralization. The truth is we need a “reset” but not the one that will be thrust upon us.
I remain hopeful that we can create a better financial system built on decentralization and personal sovereignty. The realist in me though believes this will only occur after we experience the destruction of “The Great Reset” they have planned. What you need to do is hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. Now is the time to prepare!
Here, at Explore Financial Freedom we are here to help. We are launching our very own Explore Financial Freedom Network. This Network is designed as a membership network. Our goal is to make this Network a place for people to learn how to achieve financial freedom and personal sovereignty.
We offer a monthly network forum that is designed to be highly educational. We will be offering a weekly e-newsletter with insights and opinions on what’s happening. We will also have a daily group chat with guided discussion-based learning. Email us at to learn more about how to join this new membership network. More information will be coming out in the weeks to come on our website