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The Lies We Tell About Inflation

I just finished reading an article from the New York Post and it was quite interesting. Check out the article below:inflation

This article is interesting because it states at one point "June’s numbers were even higher than expected... Economists had expected the core CPI to increase 5.7%."

This statement is actually laughable. The fact that anyone would suggest that the CIP would increase only by 5.7% is really sad. The truth is that infalation is entirely a political phenomenon brought about by Governments working in collaboration with Central Banks. The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank of the U.S. and it controls the monetary policy of the World's Reserve Currency. The fact is that every decision the Fed makes has consequences.

The definition of inflation is simply "an increase in the money supply" but over the years the definition has been redefined by governments, economists, and academics to mean "increase in prices." This is a misleading statement because prices don't cause inflation. The truth is that increased prices are a result of an increased money supply.

The lies we tell about inflation are troubling. Over the course of time, definitions have been redefined to confuse the public about what inflation is and the cause of it. It doesn't stop there. How we measure CPI is equally as troubling.

The CPI is how the U.S. Government measures inflation. CPI stands for Consumer Price Index. This is a completely worthless measurement. The CPI measures changes in the prices of average consumer goods and services. This is not entirely accurate though. The people behind the CPI are able to pick and choose what they survey. The problem is that price increases are never uniform. Some things increase rapidly while others increase much more slowly. Medical care for example can increase much faster than other things that the CPI will try to measure.

Price increases are very rarely distributed equally. To think that you can simply come up with a measurement based on averages that are hand-picked is ludicrous. Inflation is definitely much higher than 9.1% Inflation is a hidden tax on the poor and middle class. It is quite frankly very abusive and should not be tolorated.

People are suffering at the hands of Central Planners and Government Bureaucrats. The monetary policies being instituted are harmful. The fact is that massive money printing has consequences. We are seeing those consequences play out now before our very own eyes.

People need to act now to protect themselves from the coming season of inflationary abuse they will experience. The Fed is in a dangerous position. They have a choice between crashing the economy or crashing the currency. Neither is going to be pretty.

The choice is to print massive amounts of money and put us deeper into inflation and even hyperinflation by destroying our currency. The other choice is to raise interest rates dramatically and destroy the economy, which will put countless businesses out of business. The latter choice will have a huge impact on Wall Street. This will put people's retirement plans and life savings at risk.

Neither scenario is pretty. This is what happens when you have Central Banks manipulating the marketplace and controlling monetary policy. You need to act now and move quickly. Here, at Explore Financial Freedom we are doing several key things to prepare and we name a few of them in a previous post linked here:

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