I’ve been saying for months and even years that a crash is coming. These last several months though I have intensified my warnings that I believe that a crash will be coming. l I’m always clear that I don’t have a crystal ball and I do not know when the crash will happen, but I believe it is on its way. You might be wondering where is the crash? Do I still believe it’s coming?
The answer to the least question is without doubt YES. I do believe the crash is coming. I’m actually more convinced now than ever before. The Fed just pivoted. They have changed course on their monetary policy.
This very well could be for political reasons. What politician wants to go into an election year with rising interest rates, a volatile economy or a potential of a crash? Let’s put the political reasons aside and play out the scenario. The federal reserve has point-blank said multiple times that they want to raise interest rates further. Why change course? Think about it logically.
I am convinced this is a last ditch effort to avoid the inevitable. Have you ever heard the quote “drastic times call for drastic measures”? It is my personal belief that this very well could be political and is most definitely a drastic measure because they are concerned. I think we’re gonna see a lot lot of volatility. We will start to see a loosening of monetary policy, which will artificially make things look better. I think money will start pouring back into the financial system.
My concern though is this may be the calm before the storm. I’m taking the needed precautions now for me and my family. I will take advantage of cash flow opportunities as they present themselves, but with great caution. I still think the crash is coming.
Do you think a crash is coming? Now is the time to act if you do!