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What is Capitalism

I believe that capitalism is freedom and the principles of capitalism offer people hope!

What is capitalism though? Capitalism is an economic and political system in which an economy is controlled by the marketplace rather than by the state. Capitalism is about creating and producing value to the greatest number of people. Value is controlled by the individual rather than the government.

Capitalism was revolutionary because it recognized the importance of property rights for everyone no matter not their social or economic status, gender, race, etc. History has shown that property is essential to freeing people from poverty. You can look throughout history and see that the markets have been dictated by a ruling class who would essentially own all the property. Kings, Queens, Dukes, Lords, etc. owned the property and dictated the value and production of value.

Property Rights offers a redistribution of wealth by allowing every individual the opportunity to own property and produce their own value. Economic freedom is essential to improving ones life and giving someone the chance at a better life. This is why I have said that capitalism offers hope. It gives people the opportunity a new life when given the chance to live free by owning property and producing value.

People claim that capitalism is greedy. This is the furthest thing from the truth. Capitalism offers people freedom and hope at a better life. It stops a ruling class from dictating the market and what values should be produced. It eliminates corporatism which allows for governments and big corporations to become codependent on one another and eliminate free competition.

Capitalism is freedom. Here, at The Missionary Capitalist we promote capitalism and educate on the principles of capitalism believing it changes lives.

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