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“When the US Dollar falls so will the rest of the world.”

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

I remember hearing those words many years ago. I remember scoffing at the idea as a young guy in the finance sector. I then started to do my own research and began to realize those words were so true.

I started watching Youtube videos, reading articles, reading books, etc. I came across the late great economist, Ludwig Von Mises and my eyes began to open wider. I realized then that those words were truly prophetic. The US Dollar is the reserve currency of the world and as a result, the Federal Reserve has a unique power in the global financial landscape. Their power knows no bounds as they uniquely determine the monetary policy of the global economy. It became clear to me during my research that the Fed has two choices in the coming years and neither choice is good. They can either crash the market or they can crash the dollar. Either has huge consequences. Many are calling for a financial collapse or the next Great Depression. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the outcome is the same.

The Federal Reserve can either keep printing money, which will result in inflation that could destroy the US Dollar or they can tighten monetary policies that will result in crashing the market. Again, neither option is a good choice, but crashing the dollar could be even more catastrophic. Crashing the market is never going to be popular with the wealthy as there are a lot of businesses that would fail if the marketplace isn’t continually being catered to by the politicians and central banks. The other issue is that more people than ever before are in the market. People could lose everything in a market crash. The alternative option is far worse.

Crashing a currency is even worse, but might be more acceptable to some. With massive money printing comes growing inflation. This option sounds disastrous unless you are on the other side. The truth is inflation helps the rich get richer. As prices rise the average person suffers, but the wealthy become richer. This will eventually catch up to us though as people will become angrier and angrier with growing inflation so politicians will have no choice, but to take action and instead of trying to tighten monetary policy by stopping the massive money printing, they will instead implement price controls, capital controls, and other measures to make it appear they are being responsive.

The truth is that massive money printing helps the government and they are incentivized to continue doing it.

The problem is that Central Banks are run by academics with no real-world experience and they cater to politicians and big businesses. We are experiencing cronyism at its best. Crony Capitalism is what I call Corporatism. We are experiencing the negative impact of Corporatism at its worst.

The reality is that most people are not prepared for what is coming. You might be asking “how does the average person survive this coming collapse?” Here’s what I am doing. This isn’t advice. Just my experiences.

Bitcoin: I am buying Bitcoin on a weekly basis to simply put my surplus cash flow into an alternate system that I believe will be a hedge of protection for me and my family against inflation and the stupidity of Central Banks.

Commodities: I am still acquiring hard assets that I believe will have exponential value in the coming years. I am buying gold, silver, and copper to just name a few.

Cash Flow: I am still working tirelessly to build continual cash flow by producing value that people want. This will never go away. People consume what they value. People spend money on things that matter to them. If you learn to create value that others desire, you will create cash flow and this is needed to acquire more commodities and buy more bitcoin.

Check out our video that talks more about this at When The US Dollars Falls - Vlog 80 - YouTube

Please contact us at Explore Financial Freedom to learn more about how we can help you achieve financial freedom!

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