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Why I bought a gun

Updated: May 31, 2022

I did not grow up around guns and up until a few years ago, I had never shot one. I was always pro firearms and in favor of the second amendment, but the idea of needing one was never all that pressing. My position on the matter was always more theatrical and never all that practical. The issue of firearms has always been a very controversial issue and one that has only become more controversial over the last few decades. Up until recently the issue never impacted me much. That’s all changed.

I started thinking about firearms more in 2016 with the presidential election looming. It might sound like a strange time to be thinking about firearms and possibly needing one, but I started thinking no matter who wins, we might all lose. I don’t know if I fully grasp the full extent of my feelings at that time, but I started to realize even in a small way that both political parties were moving further and further away from the center. There’s pros and cons to this, which I can address in another piece, but I think in a small way I began to realize that our society was becoming polarized. The thought started lingering…

“maybe I need a gun?”

I also began to fear that what made America exceptional might be coming to an end. That overwhelming sense came as I feared politicians would try and take more of our liberties from us. This realization came to light with politicians continually coming back to this topic of firearms and the second amendment. I started thinking I needed to make my theoretical position more of a practical one.

A few years past. Yes, I said a few years. I obviously didn’t move on this very quickly. The thought kept lingering and I began to think through many things. It was during this time that I was going through a substantial change in my life. I began researching financial thought and other topics, which led me to a shift in my entire view on life and the world around me. This season was energizing.

It was only after going through this season that I began my business and realized my purpose was to elevate strategies to see people live free and become sovereign.

It was during this time that I began to resurrect the thought of buying a gun. I was thinking through my financial life plan and how I would help my family become personally sovereign. It was during this time that I realized buying a firearms was a necessity. Here’s how I finally came to that decision.

Pursuing personal sovereignty was my ultimate goal. The definition of sovereignty is ultimate power and responsibility. I begin to realize that I ultimately wanted ultimate responsibility over my life. I didn’t want to forfeit responsibility of my life over to anyone else.

I realized there were three key components to becoming sovereign. Understanding national sovereignty helps you begin to understand personal sovereignty as a whole. The three components are as follows:

1. Resources

2. Economics

3. Defense

If you want to become sovereign you need to have resources. When you think about resources they are things like water, food, energy, etc. These are things that are important to being sustainable.

Economics is another huge piece to this and one that I’ve spent the last several years devoting my life to helping people with. The economics piece is realizing the goods, services, and value you can offer to people in order to create cash flow. It is also having an asset plan where you acquire assets that either preserve your wealth or create further cash flow. The last piece to this is having a treasury strategy where you can store your reserves.

The last piece is also very important and one that I realized was the missing piece to why I needed a firearm. To have personal sovereignty you need to have a defense plan. Defense comes in the form of a community to fight with and tools to protect yourself with from outside forces that might threaten you.

I finally decided to buy a gun when I realized how to achieve personal sovereignty. The decision met with a desire to honor my second amendment right was fulfilling. I don’t regret it. I believe that I have the right to defend myself and my loved ones from those who would want to hurt me or my family.

It was also during this time that things were occurring locally and I knew that I needed to take responsibility for protecting my family and could not trust any outside force to do it for me. I also realized that outside forces might not be where you want to ultimately put your entire trust in.

I don’t give financial advice and I seldom try to give personal advice because I don’t usually know the context of where each individual person is at, but I will say this if you don’t own a gun, you should consider it.

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